how to update php

How to Update PHP (For WordPress)

Have you ever logged into your dashboard and seen this message prompting you to update your PHP version for your WordPress run site: As the message suggests, keeping your PHP version updated for your website helps close security liabilities which make it vulnerable to hacks. Thankfully, it’s a very simple process you can do yourself […]

how to setup dmarc records

How to Setup DMARC Record

In the past, I’ve talked about how you can use DKIM and SPF authentication to avoid the spam filter when sending emails to clients. These are records which authenticate emails sent from your domain in the eyes of Gmail, Yahoo, etc. They add some encrypted data which verify that the emails actually came from your […]

what's wrong with passive voice

What’s Wrong With Passive Voice

You may have heard that it’s preferable when you’re doing any kind of business writing to favor active voice over passive voice. Active voice is certainly preferable when you’re doing any kind of copywriting or writing for marketing. Let’s talk about the difference between passive voice and active voice, what’s wrong with passive voice, and […]

Auto Post to Facebook Page

How to Auto Post to Facebook Page

The cornerstone of any good Facebook presence is consistency. Adding regular content to your page both encourages extra follows/subscribes as well as conditions your followers to regularly check back for updates. An easy way to maintain a consistent presence is to share the content from your website to your Facebook page alongside dedicated posts. Even […]

wordpress jetpack review

WordPress Jetpack Review – Is It Worth It?

Jetpack is a WordPress made multifunctional plugin which can take the place of multiple individual plugins. It launched in 2016 to mixed reviews and the reviews haven’t changed much in that time. Some folks love it, others avoid it like the plague with cries that it’s essentially bloatware and will slow down site loading speeds. […]

How to Improve CTR SEO

How to Improve CTR SEO – 4 Foolproof Tips

One of the most underestimated factors in ranking relates to how to improve CTR in SEO. In other words, garnering more clicks in Google’s SERPs (search engine results pages) not only brings in more traffic, but it can also boost your rankings. Why does knowing how to improve CTR in SEO improve your rankings? As […]

yoast readability checker

Yoast Readability Checker – How it Can Make You a Better Writer

The Yoast plugin is a freemium SEO plugin for WordPress run sites. Most webmasters understandably use it for its SEO recommendations, but the Yoast Readability checker is invaluable from a copywriting perspective. The Yoast Readability checker analyzes your copy and makes sure that it’s easy to read. It gives you a score based on the […]

how to access google's keyword planner tool

How to Access Google’s Keyword Planner Tool (Without Any Set Up)

Everybody wants something for nothing (myself included). Google’s keyword planning tool can both suggest keywords for you and show you traffic estimates for said keywords. This makes it an invaluable tool for giving you information straight from Google’s mouth itself, and if you’re on a serious budget, it can be a great way to plan […]

how to automatically update wordpress plugins

How to Automatically Update WordPress Plugins

Starting in WordPress version 5.5, you can now set your plugins to automatically update. This is not only a big time saver, especially if you have a lot of sites which you oversee like myself, but it also helps to keep your site less vulnerable to backdoor hacks by way of out of date plugins. […]

How to Add a Sitemap in Google Search Console

How to Add a Sitemap in Google Search Console

Adding an up to date sitemap in the Google Search Console is a reliable way to ensure that Google can more easily crawl your site using the sitemap as a guide, and this can boost your rankings. Fortunately this process is simple, so let’s cover how to add a sitemap in Google Search Console to […]