Tweet Adder Review

Tweet Adder is an automated program designed to automate Twitter tasks. The program can automatically find people to follow for you and follow them, then unfollow them after a period of time of your choosing if they haven’t followed you back.

You can search by profile, tweets, location, etc. You choose the keywords which the program will search by to find relevant Twitter users to follow. It compiles a list, then automatically begins following people. It then searches through their

The program boasts a number of other features. For example, you can choose the ratio of the number of people whom you are following to the number of people who are following you so that you don’t get to the point where you are following twice the number of people who are following you. You can choose the hours over which the program follows people as it would look pretty unnaturally if you were following new people 24 hours a day.

It even has a setting which enables you to connect through different proxy addresses, a good feature to use if you are using multiple Twitter accounts at once. You can enter user Ids which you don’t want to follow or you can safeguard users so that they do not get affected by Tweet Adder.

Tweet Adder can be a great addition to your marketing arsenal and toolbelt when used correctly.

Check out my other Twitter methods for getting more followers.

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